Centric Digital co-founders Jason Albanese and Brian Manning draw on immense experience helping Fortune® 1000 companies succeed with digital strategies, platforms, and channels. They present data-backed insights into the ways midsize and large organizations are stuck hiring, managing, organizing, and leading in obsolete “analog” ways. Next, they offer proven, practical recommendations for fundamentally changing those behaviors to leverage the nearly boundless opportunities of digital. Their complete Digital Transformation Methodology guides you through benchmarking your digital maturity, envisioning strategy, roadmapping your transformation, and implementing the capabilities you need to execute. Revive’s multiple case studies show exactly how executives are applying these ideas to go far beyond incremental improvements, and change the game.
Authors: Jason Albanese, Brian Manning
Publisher: Pearson FT Press; 1 edition (November 30, 2015)
Price: $49.99
Hardcover: 224 pages
ISBN-10: 0134306430
ISBN-13: 978-0134306438
Language: English
Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds